Dec 21, 2020

Living in Alignment 16

The art of self care through yoga with Emily Goodwin

Living in Alignment 16                               The art of self care through Yoga with Emily Goodwin

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Yoga just doesn’t mean the poses, it can mean the breathing, the meditation, it can be devotion to your practice in general
— Emily Goodwin

Most people know what yoga is, and, if asked, might say that it is a stretchy, physical movement of the body that tones and strengthens muscles and keeps us fit. This understanding can be 100% accurate but there is something important missing from that perspective. I have discovered that at the very heart of yoga is self care. I stay with yoga because there is a whole self I discover and learn more about myself, my body, my breath and my emotional landscape.

In today’s episode, we are going to learn from our guest Emily Goodwin about the art of self care through yoga and redefine the benefits of yoga practice for self exploration , alignment and self care. Emily is a holistic occupational therapist, Reiki Master, and experienced yoga instructor including prenatal yoga. She is passionate about helping her clients achieve their greatest potential by using collaborative and integrative interventions.

Yoga just helps to create this feeling of wholeness
— Emily Goodwin

In this episode we discuss:

  • Why should somebody consider trying yoga at all

  • Different types of yoga

  • Occupational Therapy and Accessibility

  • Impact of Yoga on the physical, mental and spiritual needs

  • How could someone find their preferred or valuable style ? 

  • What does yoga give you?

  • What does it take from you ? 

  • The common struggles that you see moms go through

  • How to do integrate occupational therapy, yoga and coaching to help manifest the goals you want

If you are a parent and always on the move and want to do yoga, do the yoga that is the exact opposite style of your life
— Emily Goodwin